Creating My First Pathfinder
by Debra Orellana
In creating a pathfinder, I selected the topic of starting an online small business. I used the platform because it includes several layout viewing schemes for each list created such as list, magazine, gallery and minimal. Working in the list format provides a linear outline scheme which is very helpful in viewing the overall page layout. The curation mode, lists items in numerical order whereas the option newest begins the list with the last entry. also provides a template allowing copy input, image uploads and the inclusion of links, as well as additional options.
The majority of links and resources provided in my pathfinder is intended to guide readers to sources that educate on key small business concepts such as the U.S. Small Business Administration Office. The language is engaging and friendly so as to relate to readers unfamiliar with business terms in hope that they will pursue their creative business venture. Also included in the pathfinder are suggestions for readers to inquire about business at local colleges and libraries since many resources besides books may be available, for example The Chicago Public Library provides small business resources information and workshops at certain local branches.
Pathfinders are a smart and efficient means to organizing key concepts with the inclusion of additional related lists, links, tags and images, all functioning as a kind of online archive to be accessed when needed and most importantly, to be shared.
Please visit my pathfinder:
"How to Create Your Own Online Shop"
I am following your list :)