Thursday, July 17, 2014

Creating and Collaborating in a Virtual Learning Commons

Our class assignment today for LIS 724-10 Media Services and Production, entailed the collaborative efforts of our group in learning about virtual learning commons. In doing so, Stephan, Ashlie and I began to design a learning commons using a Google template from David Loertscher, San Jose State University. Sharing and agreeing on our ideas or brainstorming together provided a positive means in achieving our project goals.

Using the Google sites creation tool was exciting due to many of the options being readily available.

1. The model is useful because users need not navigate away from the template to find editing tools and one does not need to input information in the HTML markup language, although the option to do so is available. Another useful managing tool is in adding pages and the ability to select the order of these pages.

2. Aspects that can be omitted are in the typeface selections, and possibly the addition of classic typefaces such as Times Roman, Caslon, Bookman, Futura and Helvitica [the good foundry designs benefit the legibility of body copy].

3. Missing from this web creating tool is the ability to select any item and move items to one's choosing, or freedom in layout design. The color palette does not provide a color wheel or cmyk for creators to easily custom make their own custom color palettes. 

4. The Google Sites Virtual Learning Commons template is very helpful and useful because information about a VLC is included in the template itself. Suggestions for inputting certain kinds of information into the template created a guide in designing a VLC, and this was very good, and also the way our group began to explore the template itself, motivating us to brainstorm even more.

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